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九年级英语下学期Lesson 26教案

[03-09 23:22:34]   来源:http://www.67jx.com  九年级英语教案   阅读:8914

概要:九年级英语下学期Lesson 26教案 Lesson 26 Good Friends Shouldn't Fight [学习目标] 1. 掌握的词汇及短语: have / hold a meeting 2. 识别的词汇及短语: thief , unhappy , agreed , stop fighting [重点语句分析] 1. You two aren't still fighting, are you? 你们两个不再打架了,是吗? two作you的同位语。 此句是反意疑问句,前面(陈述部分)是否定形式,后面(疑问部分)用肯定形式,注意答语。例: You aren't a teacher, are you? 你不是老师,是吗? Yes, I am. (不,我是) No, I'm not. (是的,我不是) 2. "Jenny, " says Brian, "Will you plea

九年级英语下学期Lesson 26教案,标签:九年级英语复习教案,九年级下册英语教案,http://www.67jx.com

九年级英语下学期Lesson 26教案

    Lesson 26  Good Friends Shouldn't Fight
    1. 掌握的词汇及短语:
    have / hold a meeting
    2. 识别的词汇及短语:
    thief , unhappy , agreed , stop fighting
    1. You two aren't still fighting, are you?
    You aren't a teacher, are you?
    Yes, I am. (不,我是)
    No, I'm not.  (是的,我不是)
    2. "Jenny, " says Brian, "Will you please tell Danny that I think he's a thief?"
    "that I think he's a thief"是宾语从句,he's a thief又是从句中的宾语从句。
    Will you please do ...?    请求句式,请你做……好吗?
    Will you please help me?
    3. If you want to say something, you should talk to each other.
    If you want say something是条件状语从句,在条件状语从句中通常用anything,此处用something表示说话人希望对方(肯定)想说些什么。
    4. Shall we meet at 7:30 tomorrow evening at Jenny's house. Agreed!
    Shall we do ...?  表示请求用于第一人称(I,we)
    Shall we watch TV?  我们看电视好吗?
    Shall we have a rest?  我们休息一会儿好吗?
    at Jenny's house  在詹妮家,也可以表示为:at Jenny's。

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