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Unit 12 Mainly Revision(一)

[03-18 17:31:36]   来源:http://www.67jx.com  高三英语教案   阅读:8638

概要:Unit 12 Mainly Revision(一)Lesson 46 教学设计方案(一)Step 1 Lead – in(Show some pictures to attract the Ss’ interests about the text.)Step 2 Reading:A.Ask the Ss to do some “True or False” exercises1. Some birds will fly away to the south when the weather turns cold; some animals hibernate in the cold wather.(True)2. Animals hibernate only in the earth. (False)3. None of the warm-blooded animals need to hibernate because they lead an active life which keeps up their normal body temp

Unit 12 Mainly Revision(一),标签:高三英语复习教案,高三英语备课教案,http://www.67jx.com

Unit 12 Mainly Revision(一)

Lesson 46 教学设计方案(一)

Step 1 Lead – in
  (Show some pictures to attract the Ss’  interests about the text.)
Step 2 Reading:

A.Ask the Ss to do some “True or False” exercises
  1. Some birds will fly away to the south when the weather turns cold; some animals  hibernate in the cold wather.(True)
  2. Animals hibernate only in the earth. (False)
  3. None of the warm-blooded animals need to hibernate because they lead an active life which keeps up their normal body temperature even in very cold weather. (True)
  4. A hibernating animal does not breathe and cannot feel any pain. (False)
B.Questions and answers:
  1. Why don’t some warm-blooded animals hibernate in the winter?
  (lead an active life, keep up, normal body temperature)
  2. Why do cold-blooded animals hibernate?
  (When the air temperature, below freezing, body temperature, drop, cannot move about;  almost no food in the winter)
  3. How would you recognize that an animal is hibernating?
C.Reading comprehension:
1.The text mainly tells us that ________.
  A .hibernation is more than sleep
  B. warm-blooded animals will do things different from cold-blooded animals in winter
  C. some animals live through the winter by hibernation or half-hibernation
  D. animals use different ways to protect themselves against the cold    (key: C)
2. Why do some animals sleep under the snow?
  A. Because they prefer the cold air in the snow.
  B. Because the air in loose snow will help to keep the cold out.
  C. Because they can adjust(调节)their body temperature there to fit for the cold weather.
  D. Because they are warm-blooded animals.  (key: B)
3. Which sentence carries the main idea of the second paragraph?
  A. Sentence 1.   B. Sentence 2.   C. Sentence 3.   D. Sentence 4.    (key: A)
4. Why can the wolf keep awake in winter?
  A. Because it is a cold-blooded animal.
  B Because it prefers moving by nature.
  C. Because it can keep up its normal body temperature even in cold weather.
  D. Because it has to go hunting as a result of lack of food for the winter.   (key: C)
5. Why do frogs go to sleep under the mud in winter?
  A. Because they can escape from their enemies under the mud and the air there will keep the cold out.
  B. Because the air under the mud will keep the cold out and it is comfortable there.
  C. Because they feel comfortable there and they can get food easily.
  D. Because they have enough to eat there .       (key: D)
6. We will know an animal is hibernating if _______
  A. it touches cold and is breathing very slowly
  B. it is sensitive to pain
  C. its temperature drops to below zero centigrade
   D. it does not move   (key: A)
7. Why can a hibernating animal manage to live through the winter?
  A. Because it hardly makes any movement and breathes very slowly and it has enough fat stored in its body.
  B. Because it has already stored supplies of fat in its body.
  C. Because it will not use energy while sleeping since they never make any movement then.
  D. Because it doesn’t breathe at all.    (key: A)
8.Why does the bear stop hibernating on warm winter days?
  A. Because the warmth makes it think the winter has gone.

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