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九年级英语9A unit5 知识点学案

[11-13 01:04:21]   来源:http://www.67jx.com  九年级英语教案   阅读:8416

概要:九年级英语9A unit5 知识点学案 1, 我总是幻想着度假,我妈总叫我别做白日梦且现实点。 I always daydream about the holidays, but my mother asks me to stop daydreaming and be more realistic . 2, 我给了他忠告,而不是钱。 I gave him advice instead of money . 如果你不能去,让他替你去。 If you cannot go, let him go instead . 3, 好镜头good take take 在这里是名词,表示"电影镜头、电视镜头" 4, 作好准备等我叫你。 Stand by until I call you. 5, 我宁愿当导演。 I' d rather be a director. = I prefer to be a director. 6, 冯小刚是中国永远最受

九年级英语9A unit5 知识点学案,标签:九年级英语复习教案,九年级下册英语教案,http://www.67jx.com

九年级英语9A unit5 知识点学案

    1, 我总是幻想着度假,我妈总叫我别做白日梦且现实点。
    I always daydream about the holidays, but my mother asks me to stop daydreaming and be more realistic .
    2, 我给了他忠告,而不是钱。
    I gave him advice instead of money .
    If you cannot go, let him go instead .
    3, 好镜头good take
    take  在这里是名词,表示"电影镜头、电视镜头"
    4, 作好准备等我叫你。
    Stand by until I call you.
    5, 我宁愿当导演。
    I' d  rather  be  a  director.  = I prefer to be a director.
    6, 冯小刚是中国永远最受欢迎的导演之一。
    Feng Xiao gang is one of China's all-time favourite directors .  
    7, 他以勇敢而出名。
    He was known/ well-known/ known for his bravery.
    8, 奥黛丽o赫本是作为一个人道主义者而出名的。
    Audrey Hepburn is famous/ well-known/ known as a humanitarian.
    9, 她很小的时候就上芭蕾舞课了。
    She began taking ballet lessons at a very young age . = when she was very young.
    10, 在她进入电影业之前,她把绝大部分精力都投入到芭蕾舞的训练中。
    She had put most of her effort into ballet training before she entered the film industry. 
    11, 在她成为一个商人之前,她一直是个模特。
    She had also been a model before she became a businesswoman.
    12, 当赫本在站台等车时,她碰见了她的老同学。
    while writing at the bus stop  ,Hepburn met her old classmate .
    while she was waiting at the bus stop
    13, 都梁写的《亮剑》那篇小说后来被改编成一部剧本。
    The novel 《Liang Jian》wrote by Du Liang was later made into a play.
    14, 张艺谋坚持认为巩俐是那部戏里女主角的最佳人选。
    Zhang Yi mou insisted (that) Gong Li was the perfect girl to play the lead role in the play.
    15, 我一贯主张喝白开水。
    I always insist on drinking the hot water .
    16, 他在这部戏里扮演李尔王这一主角。
    He played the lead role of Lear in the play.
    17, 在教学过程中老师扮演了一个积极引导的角色。
    Teachers play an active role in teaching .
    18, 这个事情标志着赫本成功事业的开始。
    That event marked the beginning of Hepburn's successful career.
    19, 不久以后,她被中去在《白雪公主》中扮演年轻公主这一主角。
    Shortly after , She was chosen to play the lead role of a young princess in the SNOW WHITE .
    不久以后(常用于过去时)   shortly after =after a short time
    20, 在她的一生当中,Hepburn还获得了奥斯卡四个提名奖
    During her lifetime , Hepburn earned four more Oscar nominations  (another four)
    21, 葛优参演的电影都会获得好多奖且票房也不错 。
    The films Ge You acted in always win a number of awards and earn much money .
    22, 董卿于2000第一次在电视上露面就取得了成功 。
    Dong Qing made his first appearance on TV and it was a great success .

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