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八年级上册第10单元第一课时说课稿 Unit 10 I'm going to be a basketball player.

[03-10 23:31:36]   来源:http://www.67jx.com  初二英语说课   阅读:8375

概要:Unit 10 I'm going to be a basketball player.三棉中学 张建军This lesson is Section A of Unit 10 in《Go For it》Book II.I. Teaching Aims and DemandsThe students should learn and grasp structures “be going to”To develop the students’ abilities of listening, speaking, reading and writing.To train the ability of cooperation.Language goalIn this unit, students learn to talk about future intentions.New language.What are you going to be when you grow up? I'm going

八年级上册第10单元第一课时说课稿 Unit 10 I'm going to be a basketball player.,标签:初二英语说课稿,初中英语说课稿,http://www.67jx.com

Unit 10  I'm going to be a basketball player.

三棉中学  张建军

This lesson is Section A of Unit 10 in《Go For it》Book II.

I. Teaching Aims and Demands

The students should learn and grasp structures “be going to”

To develop the students’ abilities of listening, speaking, reading and writing.

To train the ability of cooperation.

Language goal

In this unit, students learn to talk about future intentions.

New language

.What are you going to be when you grow up? I'm going to be a computer programmer.

How are you going to do that? I'm going to study computer science.

Structures are Future with going to, Want to be, What, Where, How questions.

.Key words and phrases (9): grow up , programmer, computer science, engineer, pilot, professional ,acting lesson, art , move,

II. Teaching Key and Difficult Points

.Enable the students to learn to talk about future intentions with “ be going to”.

.How to make dialogues and act them out.

.How to co-operate with the partner.

III. Teaching Methods

Listening, speaking, writing, pair work.

IV. Teaching Aids:

Computer and CD-ROM;  tape recorder ; school things and so on.

V. Teaching Procedures

I design 7 steps for this lesson.

Step I

Announce learning goal to the class. Today we’re going to learn Unit 10 “I’m going to be a basketball player.”

Ask students some questions.

“ How many jobs do you know?”

Encourage students to talk about jobs as many as they can.

“What do you want to be when you grow up?”

 “What are you going to be when you grow up?”

  Ask students to think about ways they already know to talk about future events. Ask the students to give some questions and answers about future events.

  Give the students sample questions. For example:

         Q: Where are you going next week?

         A: I'm going to my grandmother's house next week.

          Q: What are you doing on Saturday?

          A: I'm playing tennis all day.

Step II

Leading in.

Ask students to look at the screen. And ask them :

“What job is this?”  “pilot, basketball player, actor, computer programmer”

Read the words and dialogue after me.


Step III

Deal with 1a . This activity reviews earlier vocabulary and introduces some new words.

  Read each of the words to the class. Ask the students to point to the jobs that appear in the picture. As they point, describe each person.

  Read the instructions and say, Put a 1 after the most interesting job. Put a 2 after the second

   most interesting job, put a 6 after the least interesting job and so on.

   Check to see which things are most interesting to students in the class. Ask students to write the six jobs on the their exercise-books. Then ask the class “What’s your answer?”

Step IV

Deal with 1b . This activity provides listening practice with the target language.

Read the instructions. Say, You will hear four conversations. After each conversation, draw a line between the job in the first column and the activity in the second column.

Ask the students to look at the screen and give them the correct answers. Ask them to check the answers by themselves. Point out the sample answer and read it to the class.

Play the recording the first time. Students only listen. Play the recording again. Ask students to draw lines

Step V

Deal with 1c    This activity provides guided oral practice using the target language. Read the instructions. Tell students they will be working with a partner.  Point out the example in the box. Ask two students to read it to the class. Say, Now work with a partner. Start by reading the conversation in the box with your partner. Then look at the other jobs in activity la and have conversations about these jobs. As students talk, move around the classroom checking their work and offer language support as needed.

Step VI

Deal with 2a.  First read the instructions to the class. Let the students look at the screen. Point to the white box on each picture. Say, Listen to the recording and check the things Cheng Han is going to do. And then play the recorder and listen to the tape.

Play the recording again. After that, check the answers.


Step VII

Deal with 2b . This activity provides listening and writing practice using the target language. First read the instructions and point out the sample answer. Ask a student to read the sample question and sample answer to the class. Play the recording again. Ask students to write their answers in the chart.  Look at screen and check the answers.


VI. Summary

In this lesson , we’ve learned how to talk about future intentions with “ be going to”.

VII. Homework

For homework:

1. Copy the new words on P59 1a five times each and 1c once.

2. Listen to the tape on P59~60 1b, 2a, 2b at home.

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