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Unit1 What class are you in第四课时

[05-18 03:40:05]   来源:http://www.67jx.com  六年级英语教案   阅读:8585

概要:Unit1 What class are you in第四课时Lesson 4 教案示例【重点】句子What’s your number? I’m Number Twelve. 词汇twelve number【难点】发音Now let’s count from zero to twelve. 理解Now let’s count from zero to twelve.Go to your seat and sit down, please.【教学过程(www.67jx.com)】Warm up组织学生听Disney英语中的歌曲Numbers在歌曲中带领学生一起复习数字及词汇number同桌两个人进行问答练习。练习内容为What’s your number? I’m Number Two.两人一组先做最简单的问答练习(三至四组)鼓励学生在此基础上补充对话内容,做一个比较完整的对话练习。(如果学生不知如何开口,教师和一位学生做对话示范:Hello! What class are you in? I’m in Class…

Unit1 What class are you in第四课时,标签:小学六年级英语教案,六年级下册英语教案,http://www.67jx.com

Unit1 What class are you in第四课时

Lesson 4 教案示例

  【重点】句子What’s your number? I’m Number Twelve.

          词汇twelve  number

  【难点】发音Now let’s count from zero to twelve.

          理解Now let’s count from zero to twelve.

    Go to your seat and sit down, please.


  Warm up



  同桌两个人进行问答练习。练习内容为What’s your number? I’m Number Two.


  鼓励学生在此基础上补充对话内容,做一个比较完整的对话练习。(如果学生不知如何开口,教师和一位学生做对话示范:Hello! What class are you in? I’m in Class…Grade… What’s your number? I’m Number…)


  个别学生拼(教师把学生学过的词汇卡片贴在黑板上。教师提问全班:How many words can we spell? Let’s count. One two three. We can spell three words.)



  教师说:Is everyone here today? 请明白的学生回答:Yes./No. 教师接着说:How many pupils are here? Let me count.(用手势做数数的动作)One two three…(动作示意让学生和自己一起数)教师再问:How many pupils are there in a group? Count. Count. 多重复几遍count。带领全班学生一起读。再次问:How many pupils are there in a group? 全班一起说:Count. 找一位学生回答。教师提议:Now let’s count from zero to twelve. (用手势表示from zero to twelve. 示范one two three)全班一起数。在请个别学生站在教室前面数,教师说:please count from A to G/H to N/O to T/U to Z.

  教师表扬这些学生:You did good job today. Now go to your seat and sit down, please. 然后教师带领学生反复练习几遍。可以把句子分成两半来练习,先是go to your seat,再是sit down, please,最后把整句连在一起读。

  教师安排晚到的学生进教室时,带着抱歉地表情,对全班学生和教师说:Excuse me. I’m sorry. I’m late. 教师带领学生读单词late若干遍,再读完整句子I’m late. 教室还需向学生说,如果迟到了就应该说I’m sorry. 并将单词sorry重复几遍,再示范一遍I’m sorry. I’m late.

  教师出示投影片(投影片上写有”Excuse me” or “I’m sorry” 字的下面有四幅图:在拥挤的电梯里面、你碰掉别人的东西、问路、你骑车时不小心碰到别人)请学生分析哪种情况中用什么句子。

  分别找几个学生到门外去,假设他(她)迟到了,敲门进来同时说:Excuse me. I’m sorry. I’m late. 教师边做手势边说:It doesn’t matter. Go to your seat and sit down, please. 然后请学生扮演教师,反复进行练习。




  本课四会掌握的单词是number和twelve以及句子What’s your number? I’m Number Twelve.


  出示词汇number的词卡,教师示范三遍,让学生注意观察教师的口形,[m]有闭嘴的动作。找学生从元音[ ∧ ]开始读,然后是[n∧ ]、[n∧m]、[[]、[b[ ]、['n∧mb[ ] 分组读


  B.板书句子What’s your number? I’m Number Twelve. 提醒学生注意,不要将句子中的your写成you。答语中number和twelve的第一个字母要大写。学生在练习册上摹写。





  完成课堂练习中Lesson 4的听音写数字练习。学生根据录音内容,在每个人出示的旗子上分别填写出相应的数字。

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