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Decoding of Genes: Hope or Dread?-基因破译:希望还是害怕?,Dec

[02-21 16:40:58]   来源:http://www.67jx.com  以希望为话题的作文   阅读:8209

概要: Nevertheless, the completion of the gene map is just the initial step of the entire genetic research。 What will this step mean to us? A scientist once made an analogy, it is just like that you are faced with a version of The Collected Works of Shakespeare in which there is no punctuation mark, no space between words,and what's more, you cannot understand English at all! What will happen with genetic tech in hundreds of years is quite beyond our current perception。 B

Decoding of Genes: Hope or Dread?-基因破译:希望还是害怕?,Dec,标签:希望的作文,新学期新希望作文,http://www.67jx.com
Nevertheless, the completion of the gene map is just the initial step of the entire genetic research。 What will this step mean to us? A scientist once made an analogy, it is just like that you are faced with a version of The Collected Works of Shakespeare in which there is no punctuation mark, no space between words,and what's more, you cannot understand English at all! What will happen with genetic tech in hundreds of years is quite beyond our current perception。 But one thing we should always bear in mind, science is for the welfare of human being。 So I believe genetic tech will bring us a better tomorrow, although we may come across much hardship on the tortuous road leading to this goal。

简 评
文章的论题对于普通读者来说是晦涩难懂的,冒雯雯同学恰当地采用了例证的手法来阐述基因学这一发现的意义。而一个未知领域往往带给人困惑和恐惧。冒雯雯同学在文章中大篇幅的发问正是这种困惑的表达。第四段由8个问句构成,其中前六个问句指出了人类将要面对的六种困惑,后两个问句概括论述指出,“Are we nothing but genes?Or do we have something more than that?Such ethical and psychological puzzles will continue to haunt the humansociety.”文章多处采纳问句的表达方式,使论述有力,发人深省,震撼读者的心。

Decoding of Genes: Hope or Dread?-基因破译:希望还是害怕?由英语作文网整理

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